Thursday, January 13, 2011

back in black.

so i guess i've been depriving this blog for three years. but i'm back in black and ready to talk some shitttt. :) i'm just kidding. in the past, people have said that i have some kind of talent in translating the thoughts of my mind into words on a blog. people say they can relate. i'm just the person that voiced more than one person's opinion. like we all have more in common than we think. i don't know if i technically agree but who can argue complements right? i can definitely say that i just want to speak my mind. because if i don't, i will go absolutely crazy. we can't keep things bottled up inside or otherwise we'll break down or take it out on others. so years ago, i would write blogs to vent or question the things that were making me upset, or angry or happy. the three year blog hiatus ended up being a rap session. i wrote about ten raps in that span of time. i matched them up with instrumentals, but i can't record them because i have performance anxiety. people keep asking me too. maybe one day. so that performance anxiety lead me back into the blog world. so i'm gonna write blogs for a while until i become more confident and kick ass behind the mic. so thank you for listening. here's to my first blog of the new 2011, and many more to come.

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